Monday, April 6, 2020

Experiments and Early Childhood Education #BlogchatterA2Z

As a child, I hated Science. Maybe because my fundamentals were not clear. Now , as a mom, I try my best to explain all concepts practically to my son. I want him to understand each concept what he is studies in school.  I feel it is always best to start early. I can say from my experience , from a very young age I never liked Science and then never put in any extra effort in that subject. 

But as a mom, you can change that for your child. Kindergarten is a magical phase for kids. Everything  is a surprise for them. Take this opportunity and make the most of it. Introduce simple topics in a fun manner. This can be done from the very basics, simple things like shapes, forms of water.Perform as many experiments as you can with your child. Some people might think that it is too early to start with experiments at this stage. But actually it is not early. By doing this you will create a strong base for your child.

Simple experiments that you can perform with you child are :

Germination of a seed and parts of a plant :

Involve you child from the beginning of the experiment. Get some seeds from the market and sow them with your child. Tell him that it is his plant and he has to water it everyday. Gradually the seed with germinate and a small plat will begin to grow. Then it will have leaves, buds and flowers.

Life cycle of a Butterfly :

You can make finger print butterfly and pupa, eggs with rice and caterpillars with pompoms on a sheet of paper. Explain to the child that butterflies lays effs on a leaf, eggs become caterpillars, caterpillars turn into a pupa and pupa becomes a butterfly.

Forms of Water :

Freeze water to form ice, melt the water to form liquid and then boil the water to form steam.

These are a few examples of experiments which you can easily do with a child who is three years old.

Importance of Experiments for Kindergarten Kids :

  •  The skill of observation:

The experiments teach small kids to observe and be aware of what is going around them. 

  • Builds Problem Solving skills :
Kids from an early age get into the habit of putting their best efforts to solve any problem which is in front of them.

  • Improves Concentration:

Science demands concentration. Starting with experiments at an early age and understanding the concepts helps in improving kids concentration levels.

  • Improves Intellectual Curiosity :

It helps children in becoming inquisitive about a lot if processes and improves overall understanding of the world.

Kids learn about the properties of certain materials and discover that those properties can be observed, measured and predicted.

  • Improves Retention:
By doing various science experiments, observing the outcome,kids memory and the retention power improves.

Do you also perform experiments with your child ? If you doplease share in comments which is your child's favourite experiment.


  1. Wonderful activities you mentioned to make the kiddos learn basics of science, I liked sow the seed activity, I think I missed this awesome activity with my son, I noted it down will going to do it now.

    Archana Srivastava

  2. Thank you Simrit for this post. With the extension of holidays, I needed these to keep my 4.5 yr old occupied.

  3. I am sure many moms will love this in this quarantine.

  4. Those are very interesting experiments. And I have done all these experiments as a kid. Quarantine would be the best time for these science experiments. :)

  5. Thank you Simrit for these wonderful ideas. Kids do love experiments and it is a great activity.

  6. These are really great experiments to try at home Simrit. You are very creative!

  7. What fun experiments these are! Oh, how I miss my school days now :)

  8. Love the ideas, and much needed during the quarantine to keep my kids busy.

  9. Best part to make kids understand science concept by experimenting them and showing them. You have covered great concepts.

  10. Lovely ideas Simrit..just planted seeds with my grandsons and done the rest too..

  11. I loved doing these when I was small waiting for her to grow up so I can do these again. #tmmreads #blogchattera2z

  12. Great and easy options for kids to learn some important aspect of science. with these simple experiments, kids can learn a lot while having fun.

  13. Such experiments helps kids learn something new in a fun way. This is a good list for young kids.

  14. Loved this post. Such simple experiments provides great learning experience to young kids and they remember it for long. Thanks for sharing this.

  15. informative post. We did germination of seeds. Will try forms of water. thanks


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